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Debian (GNU/Linux) like repositories for testing/unstable/experimental suites from Jürgen Tretthahn alias Orson

Repository: Orsons debian stuff

Suite: experimental

Component: main

Architecture: i386

Suite: experimental
Codename: experimental
Components: main contrib non-free
Architectures: source i386 amd64
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2019 10:11:38 +0000
Description: Orsons debian stuff ; use at your own risk.
Label: Orsons stuff
Origin: OTP Solutions

Package: mythweb

Version: 0.27.5+fixes20151207-1
Source: mythplugins
Section: graphics
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Jürgen Tretthahn <>
Description: Web frontend to control MythTV through a web browser.
Show full debian changelog
Long description:
MythWeb provides a web interface which can be used to view listings,
schedule recordings, delete recordings, and search for programs. It can
also browse mythmusic's music database, and may eventually support playing
music streams as well.

File: mythweb_0.27.5+fixes20151207-1_all.deb (953.17 KB) [package contents]

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ListRepository (, © Jürgen Tretthahn (2008-2019)